Does My Child Need Speech Therapy?

Question: What age does a child need speech therapy?

Answer: It is never too late, but the earlier you start therapy when there is a communication need, the better! Early intervention is key.

Here are some speech and language milestones to consider…

2 year old:

  • Should have 50- 300 words

  • Should be combining 2 words together

  • Able to follow basic commands, answer basic questions.

5 year old:

  • 75% of their speech should be understood by others

  • able to make the sounds: p, b, m, n, t, d, h, w, y, k, g, ng, f, v, s, z, l, j, ch, r, zh, and voiced th

  • can answer “who, what, where, when, and how many” questions

  • uses appropriate pronouns (me, my, its, our, himself)

  • understands a variety of prepositions (near, through, between, behind)

If you notice that your child is not meeting speech/language milestones, we can help! Contact Quality Connections today to get started!


What is Speech Therapy?


American Sign Language (ASL) in Speech Language Therapy